We have experienced the communion in our daily Eucharistic celebration and strengthened our bond with God in our personal and community prayer, Word of God, the life of St. Francis and St. Clare, Mother Mary, Mother Francisca and Constitution, Through the sacrament of reconciliation, recollection etc.
We try to discover God’s presence in each sister and foster unity, as a community we are available to welcome others with the spirit of Franciscan hospitality, sharing and dialogue. We share together and enjoy each other company. Giving special care, attention and counselling to weaker children, the children with anti social behavior, from broken families etc.
Social pastoral activities:
• Attending to the needs of the church ( liturgy )
• Parish Pastoral Council meeting
• Collaborating with diocese / CRI meetings and CRI level activities
• Deanery level meetings and activities
• Attending prayer meetings with the families on Sunday
• Visiting the families Attending in the parish council meeting
• Visiting slum school (school dropouts)
• Visiting
• Families
• the sick and the dying
• destitute home / orphanage
• families of the weaker children
• Vianney Bhavan (home for the senior priest)
• Visiting leprosy patients